Surgery for Dogs and Cats
in Little Silver, NJ

We understand hearing your pet needs any kind of surgical procedure can be nerve-wracking, but rest assured at Little Silver Animal Hospital, we take your concerns very seriously and utilize advanced technology and strict safety protocols to ensure your pet has a safe and successful procedure. Our team can perform a variety of surgeries and provide instructions to allow for a smooth post-op recovery.

Schedule your pet’s surgery at Little Silver Animal Hospital today!

What to Expect

Our team takes your pet’s safety very seriously and abides by strict safety guidelines during every dog or cat surgery performed at our animal hospital. We also have a board-certified surgeon on staff who can perform orthopedic and more complex surgeries as necessary. At Little Silver Animal Hospital, we implement the following protocols to ensure a safe and comfortable surgery:

  • Prior to anesthesia, we will perform a comprehensive health evaluation to check for any illness or anesthetic risks.
  • We will place an IV catheter to administer fluids and monitor vitals throughout the procedure.

We are also here to answer any questions and provide pet parents with information about pain management and post-op care to help ensure a smooth recovery for your dog or cat.

Additional Surgeries We Offer

In addition to spay and neuter surgery, our team can perform a variety of pet surgeries including:

Tumor Removal
Laceration and Wound Treatment
2 Paw Declaw
Deep Ear Flushing
Anal Gland Removal
Abdominal Surgery

Our dedicated team is here to provide high quality care for pets in Little Silver, NJ and that includes cat and dog surgery. We take every precaution to ensure your pet is safe and comfortable throughout any procedure and are happy to discuss any questions regarding care before, during, or after their surgery.

Get the best care for your best friend.

Request an appointment online