Today is World Rabies Day.
Why a day devoted to rabies you ask?
Because rabies kills more than 55,000 people every year. In the United States, one to two people die annually, and there were more than 6,000 reported cases of animal rabies in the U.S. in 2012. It is a major public health concern world wide. World Rabies Day aims to raise awareness about the public health impact of human and animal rabies.
World Rabies Day also exists to stress the importance of vaccinating your pet for rabies, regardless as to whether or not your pet goes outside. Vaccinating your animals and keeping them away from wildlife that can spread the disease is key in keeping you and your pets from potentially contracting Rabies. Rabies is 100% preventable. According to Dr. Charles Rupprecht, chief of the rabies program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Your local veterinarian plays a key role in controlling rabies.”
Are you over due for your rabies vaccine? If so, then call to make an appointment to have your vaccine updated!
For more information on World Rabies Day, visit the following links:
World Rabies Day (Video)
Understanding Rabies (Video Series)
Rabies Alliance